• How Yokohama OHT Warranty Wizard works
  • 1 Create a Profile
    Start the warranty claim process by telling us who you are and how to get in touch with you. By creating a profile you'll also be able to log back in and review prior claims and also make changes to claims if necessary.
  • 2 Click on Submit a Claim
    Once you've created your profile, click here to begin the claim submission process.
  • 3 Follow the Steps to Submit
    The Yokohama OHT Warranty Wizard will guide you step by step through the process of gathering the necessary information for processing your warranty claim. You can save your claim for future completion at another time by clicking on the disk icon on the top of the screen.
  • 4 Review and Submit Claim
    Once you've uploaded all the required information, submit your claim through the Warranty Wizard app. If you are missing any information, the app will prompt you to make sure we have all the necessary information for a speedy process.
  • 5 Review and Edit Past Claims
    Click the Review Past Claims icon to review previously submitted claims, or to continue filling out a saved claim.